From January 2024, 29 companies and knowledge institutions have joined forces to develop the Charging Energy Hubs project. This initiative aims to accelerate the electrification of the logistics sector by focusing on the efficient use of smart energy systems to maximize the existing potential of the power grid. These decentralized energy systems act as an essential link between electricity consumers and suppliers. By seamlessly integrating charging infrastructure, renewable energy, energy storage and local customers, these energy hubs enable flexibility during peak demand or grid balancing issues. In addition, energy hubs offer the ability to stagger imports or exports of electrical energy, helping to reduce the (peak) load on the local grid. This solution alleviates grid congestion while providing a solid business case for microgrid and charging infrastructure investments. FIER's role in this project is to lead 2 of the 10 work packages (WP), namely WP 8 & WP 9.
In WP8 FIER will be leading a very diverse group of 19 companies in their capacity as operators and technology providers. The aim of WP8 is to demonstrate a local DC microgrid capable of optimising it's self-consumption and engaging in energy & trade management across multiple geographic locations as well as the grid itself.
In WP9, along with our partners, all of our activities are aimed at of optimally bringing these innovations to market by engaging with relevant stakeholders, defining policy recommendation and by means of targeted knowledge dissemination activities.
(foto: Heliox)
SCALE (Smart Charging Alignment for Europe) is a three-year Horizon Europe project that explores and tests smart charging solutions for electric vehicles. It aims to advance smart charging and Vehicle-2-Grid (V2X) ecosystems to shape a new energy system wherein the flexibility of EV batteries’ is harnessed. The project will test and validate a variety of smart charging and V2X solutions and services in 13 use cases in real-life demonstrations in 7 European contexts: Oslo (NO), Rotterdam/Utrecht (NL), Eindhoven (NL), Toulouse (FR), Greater Munich Area (GER), Budapest/Debrecen (HU) and Gothenburg (SE). Going further, project results, best practices, and lessons learned will be shared across EU cities, regions, and relevant e-mobility stakeholders. SCALE aims to create a system blueprint for user centric smart charging and V2X for European cities and regions.
SCALE’s consortium comprises 29 cutting-edge European e-mobility actors covering the entire smart charging and V2X value chain (equipment and charging manufacturers, flexibility service providers, research and knowledge partners, public authorities, consumer associations, etc.). FIER is the initiator and coordinator of het project together with Elaad (cooperation of EU TSO & DSOs) and Rupprecht. FIER’s responsibility in the project is to coordinate the use cases, development of business cases, and gather and the lessons learned from the partners in the V2X ecosystem. For more information about the SCALE project, see: Home - SCALE (
The European Alternative Fuels Observatory (EAFO) is the European Commission's knowledge centre, contain a wealth of data on alternative fuels in Europe. It gathers information on infrastructure roll-out for alternative fuels, the uptake of alternative fuels, and support measures in Member States and other European countries within EAFO’s scope.
The data gathered by EAFO is essential for the European Commission to monitor the implementation of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (2019/94/EU), the proposed regulation on alternative fuels infrastructure, as well as the Clean Vehicles Directive. These pieces of legislation are central to the Commission’s efforts to decarbonise transport, as acknowledged in the European Green Deal and the Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy.
The consortium of the European Alternative Fuels Observatory: FIER (Lead Partner), AVERE, Eco-Movement, Netcompany-intrasoft, POLIS, VUB
About the European Alternative Fuels Observatory.
Visit the EAFO portal
For more information: Contact Edwin, Mate Csukas
The SOLUTIONSplus project aims to enable transformational change towards sustainable urban mobility through innovative and integrated electric mobility solutions. To deliver this objective the project will boost the availability of electric vehicles, foster the efficiency of operations and support the integration of different types of e-mobility in large urban areas and addressing user needs and local conditions in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
The project SOLUTIONSplus sets up a global platform for shared, public and commercial e-mobility solutions, and to kick start the transition towards low carbon urban mobility. The project encompasses city level demonstrations to test different types of innovative and integrated e-mobility solutions, complemented by a comprehensive toolbox, capacity development and replication activities.
FIER lead the work package 3 which is Technical and business partnership, models and implementation plan.
Visit the website:
For more information: Contact Edwin
FIER helps companies in the electrification process of their fleet. In the EV & charging infrastructure scan we analyse the possibilities of a electric vehicles in the fleet by analysing the cost per vehicle and the possibility of installing recharging infrastructure. The EV scan is focused on passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles (vans).
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E-pact consist of a group of leading EV-companies that have cooperated in creating the E-pact scan. The companies have bundled their knowledge and created the E-pact EV & recharging infrastructure scan.
The scans executed thus far have shown great savings potential for the fleets analyzed.
Cars are an essential part of society nowadays. Unfortunately, cars with internal combustion engines contribute strongly to global warming. Therefore, many individuals, car manufacturers, but especially governments are looking for sustainable alternatives. The battery electric car has proven itself to be this more sustainable alternative. For governments, the next challenge is to create such a context that the uptake of battery electric cars will increase and emissions from cars are eliminated as soon as possible. This is necessary to act in accordance with the Paris Agreement (2015).
In this research, the policies of different (European) countries have been analyzed, the effect they have on the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) has been calculated, and the effect this has on the uptake of battery electric vehicles has been visualized.
This research was commissioned by RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) and was carried out by the European consortia ProEME and SolutionsPlus, with FIER as lead partner in this research.
This DKTI project was focused on the design and implementation of a smart modular swappable batterypack for e-scooters. The project activities ranged from requirements definition from the end user perspective, research and development of a swappable battery module, and field tests of delivery e-scooters with the developed swappable battery pack.
The project group consisted of TNO Automotive (research organization, also the lead partner), an electric scooter company (GreenMo), a battery manufacturer (Eleo), a pizza-delivery company (Domino’s Pizza) and FIER Automotive & Mobility to together develop and test a scooter with swappable battery packs. FIER Automotive & Mobility is responsible for carrying out the Assessment of the business case around swappable battery packs.
The summary of the results are to be find below:
The electric trucks and the charging infrastructures will be state of the art. The combination of 40 ton trucks with an extremely large battery pack and ultra-fast chargers has not been put into practice before. The combined demand of the eGLM partnership will make it possible for vehicle manufacturers and developers of charging infrastructure to implement these technological innovations.
Through the combination of large batteries and ultra-fast charging, optimum use can be made of the electric trucks’ capacities. This will be made possible by means of strategically planned ultra-fast chargers and new smart logistics concepts. Partly thanks to the low noise level, the trucks can also be used in the evening and at night.
Smart e-truck planning at eGLM goes hand in hand with a collaborative model for sharing e-trucks. "Always in motion" ensures a high mileage. Since an electric truck has fixed high costs, and lower operational costs, a high mileage will be beneficial for the business case. eGLM will also be testing concepts for this before sharing capacities (e-truck sharing) between the eGLM partners.
FIER co-initiated the project, has built the consortium and manages the project together with the project leader LIOF. For more information visit the eGLM website.
FIER Automotive is founder and participating in the GoodMoovs concept. GoodMoovs makes shared electric vehicles easy, reliable and quickly accessible via the smartphone. We want people to actually use shared electric mobility and encourage behavioural change. With this we offer a unique solution for complex mobility challenges. Important for us is that we accelerate the energy transition. We also want to reduce CO2 emissions by charging the electric vehicles with sustainably and local generated electricity.
Currently there are over 240 electric shared cars (with a range of up to 400 km) and 50 shared e-bikes available at 40 locations in 17 cities and villages. This number increases every month throughout the Netherlands and will be available in 2018 in Germany and the United Kingdom as well.
For further information please visit
Strategic map for charging infrastructure
FIER Automotive, Foundation Limburg Electric and AnalyseCentrum jointly work on the development of a 'charging infrastructure policy tool'. With this tool, which exists out of a policy model and strategic map, we help governments to further develop the public charging infrastructure by using data and analysis of all kinds. For example, data about the already available charging infrastructure and its use. We furthermore include in our model socio-economic data of the population, which is an indication of whetever or not people are interested in buying an electric car. And we map-out in a specific area the locations of stakeholder such as universities, hospitals and larger companies, where due to the high number of daily visitors public charging infrastructure could be feasible.
For more information: Contact Edwin
E-Mobility Partners
The Partners for International Business (PIB) programme E-Mobility Partners facilitates the cooperation between German and Dutch companies involved in electric mobility. In Germany E-Mobility Partners has a focus on the regions Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Hessen and Rheinland-Pfalz. The program is supported by the Dutch embassy in Berlin, the Dutch consulate in Munich and the trade and innovation agencies of the Dutch government and the mentioned German states. The participants of E-Mobility Partners join forces in three electric vehicle (EV) focus areas: charging infrastructure, urban mobility and heavy-duty EV.
FIER Automotive is coordinator of the programme and offers support in management, project and business development.
For more information: Contact Edwin
proEME supports the development of electric mobility in urban Europe. The objectives of the project are focused on creating the critical mass of electric mobility communities in order to analyse and accelerate electric vehicles (EV) markets in Europe. The project stimulates capacity building by activating those who make the decisions on mobility and transport related to EVs, to create multiplier effects and to reach out to mobility consumers, directly via an automobile club pilot and the internet.
Through direct contact with stakeholders the authenticity of the scientific analysis will be increased. In addition, proEME advances the understanding of decision making of mobility consumers, private and used car customers, fleet managers, dealers, leasing companies, manufacturers and authorities for green public procurement, and shows how new mobility trends can be used to deliver win-win-situations for electric mobility. Analysis, dissemination and exchange of results within the new established international network of stakeholders and policy makers will boost policy support and expand the scientific findings of electric mobility. Therefore, proEME will advance scientific knowledge, create critical masses in selected regions and provide blueprints on how to accelerate the uptake of EVs best. For more info visit the website.
I-CVUE is an 'Intelligent Energy Europe Programme' co-funded project. It has the ambition to reduce CO2-emissions in urban environments by increasing the number of EV's in large fleets in urban areas by mentoring fleet operators and manager. The programme also resulted in a framework governments can use to set up tailor-made fleet incentive programmes to encourage the uptake of EV's by using specific socio-economic indicators. FIER Automotive delivered a comprehensive study on boundary conditions for a successful uptake of EV’s in Europe and particular in the Netherlands. Within the sector, we also performed numerous ‘mentoring projects’ in which fleet managers were supported with their feasibility analyses, TCO-calculation and implementation of EV's in their carpark. To support fleet managers a free and online TCO-tool was developed.
for more info: Contact Rob or:
eCARSHARE is a corporate e-car sharing project with over 40 shared EV’s in Southern Limburg and Brabant, launched in October 2014 and initiated by Foundation Limburg Elektrisch (SLE) in cooperation with and developed by FIER Automotive. Partners are Province of Limburg, municipality Sittard-Geleen and Paleiskwartier Electrisch. The aim is to develop a sustainable business case for e-car sharing.
A feasibility study from SLE and FIER showed that Limburg is the ideal testing ground for e-car sharing, due to the short commuting distances, small and densely populated area and a closed labor market. The preliminary results of the project are promising and encourages all involved stakeholders (government and (public-) private companies) to invest in continuation and upscaling of the project. This includes technical development of sharing systems and charging infrastructure. The fleet is expected to grow to over 150 EV’s by the end of 2017.
for more info: Contact FIER or:
Freight Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe (FREVUE)
By exploiting over 80 Electric Freight Vehicles (EFVs) for urban logistics, FREVUE (Freight Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe) intents to develop a viable business case for the current generation of electric vans and trucks with the goal to replace lorries and vans powered by diesel engines. The project combines state of the art urban logistics applications, innovative logistics management software and well-designed government policies.
Contributing to FREVUE, FIER Automotive performed numerous TCO --calculations (Total Cost of Ownership) in the Netherlands for fleet managers and freight companies.
for more info: Contact Edwin or: